Lord Shiva (known as Mahesh or Mahadeva also) is one of the three God figures (Trimurti) in Hindu mythology. He is known as the destroyer and Mahadev has taken many avatars and incarnations to set things right on earth. Mahadev or Lord Shiva has a Cobra snake coiled around his neck and a half moon on top of his head. One who distracts him when he is meditating gets burned by his “Third Eye”.
Lord Shiva is known to have 19 Avatars or forms. Among those 19, the Veerabhadra avatar of Lord Shiva is one of his fiercest forms. It is known that the Veerabhadra form of Lord Shiva destroyed King Daksha’s Yagya and beheaded him for being responsible for Sati’s death.
After this short narration of Shiva’s Avatars, I would like to talk about this abstract painting I made. I used dark & bright colors red, orange, blue, and black to depict the darkness, danger, and anger felt by Lord Shiva. Also painted some “tikas” in the same style as the ones Lord Shiva’s devotees put on their forehead. Also painted is the angry eye, the “Third Eye” in the center. This is what he opened in his Veerabhadra Avatar and beware… anyone who distracts him in the meditation state, gets burned by his “Third Eye”.
Medium: Acrylic on canvas board, Size: 8 in × 8 in