Sometime back, I started working with black canvases as an experiment and have really enjoyed it. This one is a set of two types of leaves.
In this set of twin paintings, for the first, I painted brownish dry Peepal leaves that have fallen on the ground. I feel like Autumn is the second spring when every leaf is a flower in the shades of white, yellow, green, red, and brown! Autumn carries more gold in its pocket than all the other seasons…
In this season leaves dry up slowly and that changes their colors over a period of time. The leaves are all falling, and they are falling like they are falling in love with the ground…
In the second painting of the set, I pained a leaf with its veins showing clearly. This is how beautiful a clear picture of the leaves’ veins look like in shades of green.
Soulful… both of these.
Medium: Acrylic painting on round black stretched Canvas, Size: 8 in diameter