I really enjoy spending time with children and everyone tells me I can manage them well :). I really like playing with them and talking to them. They have such a different and beautiful perspective on life.
When I lived in Kharagpur, I used to teach art to a group of children in the age group of 5-10 every Sunday. (I live in Bangalore now, and details of the classes I run here are available on this page).
Those classes were a combination of work and play. I taught them some fundamentals of art and craft, they practiced and then we played for sometime. I had a lot of fun, both in teaching and also in playing (and preventing them from breaking stuff around ;)). Below are some pictures from one such class.
Thank you Patnaik Uncle and Aunty for hosting these classes at your place and giving me this opportunity to teach and teaching me how to teach :)!
Although I have stopped conducting these classes lately, sometimes I do conduct workshops for children on specific topics. Check out the Event Calendar for past and upcoming events and come by! I promise an awesome, fun-filled time, with a side of learning :)!